Handling a big mainsail? Wrestling a flogging main onto the boom? Raising the genoa, but not the main when it’s windy? Sailing solo? A Harken® Battcar system along with full-length battens helps raise, douse, and reef with ease and acts as extra crew if you’re sailing shorthanded. Battcar systems outperform in-mast or in-boom furling, cost less, and you don’t need to recut your sail.
Sliders - The cost
effective way to tame your main
Low-friction plastic slider insert lets you raise and lower sails
without battling bolt ropes or slugs that stick in mast groove.
Captive Ball Cars -
The ultimate in low friction
Torlon® ball bearings circulate smoothly for fast sail hoists,
douses and reefs. Captive bearings allow cars to easily roll off the
track for cleaning and maintenance. Batten toggle moves freely
in all directions to prevent the sail from binding when reefing
under load.
Mix CB and Slider
CB and Slider Battcar systems use the same track. Mix Slider cars
with CB cars to get the perfect system for your boat and budget.