
Spinlock ZXB Jammer - Black

Brand: Spinlock
Part Number: ZXB0812
  • ZXB0812 Jammer - Lines 8-12mm and loads up to 3000kgs
  • Lightweight high strength aluminium body formed as a monocoque structure
  • Use of aerospace technology has reduced the size and weight by a massive 40%
  • Very low profile body - smaller product for the load holding
  • Very low pull-through friction
  • Low-maintenance PTFE bearings
  • Lightweight, ceramic jaws for ultimate high load performance and resistance to heat and abrasion
  • Clip-on jaw grips for easy replacement ensure lower cost and weight, important for long life and less waste
  • Toggle and button latching mechanism - replacing traditional exposed handle
  • Easy to operate from various positions
  • Remote operation compatible
  • Simple to view on/off status of the jammer
  • Easy on-deck servicing and maintenance