
Harken Over-the-Top Blocks

Over-the-top blocks lead lines aft over cabin houses, coamings, and splash-guards. They feature high-load sheaves and come in single, double, and  triple configurations.

Harken 57mm (2.25) Double Over The Top Block
Over-the-top blocks lead lines aft over cabin houses, coamings, and splashguards.Description = Doubl..
Harken 57mm (2.25) Single Over The Top Block
Over-the-top blocks lead lines aft over cabin houses, coamings, and splashguards.Description = Singl..
Harken 57mm (2.25) Triple Over The Top Block
Over-the-top blocks lead lines aft over cabin houses, coamings, and splashguards.Description = Tripl..
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